Welcome to the Dawn of a New World

The Company

Incorporated in 2008
Founded to encourage the development and distribution of low cost UV-C LEDs
Primary Product - UV LEDs
Located in Santa Barbara, CA

The Mission

The company will produce light emitting diodes (LEDs) that emit in the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum.

Aurora UV inc. will encourage the development and distribution of devices that harness UV light to benefit the health and welfare of people worldwide.

They key applications for this revolutionary mode of delivering UV light will be the safest and least costly way of water and air purification.

UV-C products will be disruptive in other significant applications, benefiting a wide array of industries.

UV Applications

Germicidal Purification
Water treatment
Air filtration
Medical Equipment

Chemical Sensors
Environmental toxins

Polymer Curing

What You Should Know

Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation cause 80% of all sickness on the planet and result in millions of deaths each year. UV purification of drinking water is a safe and reliable way to protect public health from waterborne diseases. Many thousand large-scale UV purification systems have been installed for treatment of drinking water and wastewater treatment in major cities around the world.

The LED Advantage

The company’s UV LEDs will replace toxic and short-lived mercury vapor lamps across all UV wavelengths and catalyze a host of new applications. In contrast to mercury vapor lamps, LEDs are robust, compact, and non-toxic. With AuroraUV technology, UV LEDs have the potential to use 50% of the electricity required by mercury vapor lamps and will have a usable lifetime of ten times as long, resulting in a life cycle cost savings of two to four times. Furthermore, there will not be the hazardous waste disposal that is inherent in mercury lamps, resulting in a less polluted environment.

More Advantages

There are additional applications for UV LEDs that can not be satisfied by mercury vapor lamp technology. These include: Military non-line of sight covert communication and detection of certain environmental hazards.

Mercury lamps have sever other negative attributes that LEDs do not have:
They produce a large amount of heat, are temperature sensitive especially to cold temperatures, may fluctuate in intensity, require a warm-up time after turning on, and have a reduced lifetime due to on/off cycling. In UV curing for example, using UV LEDs results in a reduction in heat output, a constant intensity, and quick turn on time, all of which translate into a more uniform light emitted in the UV range produced at a lower cost.

The Future

Clean water for every person on earth
40% less energy consumption
Less deadly toxins entering the environment

Find Out More About AuroraUV

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